I'm still getting my head around the mortgage. 我脑子里还一直想着抵押贷款呢。
If Mr Greenspan had been more interested in regulatory matters during his tenure at the head of the Fed, many of the current problems afflicting the US banking system and mortgage borrowers might have been avoided or at least mitigated. 如果格林斯潘在担任美联储主席期间,对监管事宜给予更多的关注,那么许多当前困扰着美国银行业体系和抵押贷款借款人的问题或许就可以避免,或至少会有所减轻。
Mr de Rato, outgoing head of the IMF, said regulators needed to learn lessons from the incorrect pricing of risk in the US housing market that led to the subprime mortgage problems. 拉托表示,美国房地产市场的风险定价错误,引发了次级抵押贷款问题,监管者必须从中汲取教训。拉托即将辞去IMF总裁职位。